Goodbye beautiful kyanite, my friend and ally.

*****update. There was so much peace in the surrender but I’m happy to say, we are reunited. After a thorough unsuccessful look in the laundry, it reappeared today. As much as they say kyanite doesn’t need to be cleaned, it seems this one wanted to hang out in the washer for a few days.


Thank you for all of the magic that we’ve shared together over these years. Wishing you a magical journey for whatever is ahead. I hope whoever you are with now loves you even more than I could.


I went to work today much like any other day and I was unpacking my crystals to get ready for a session somehow my very favorite crystal, blue kyanite wasn’t in my medicine bag. I carefully looked all around seeing if perhaps I missed placed it wondering where on earth it could possibly be. I tried to rack my brain thinking about the last time that I had seen it; did I really put it in my medicine bag, I wondered, or maybe it got caught up in the linens. It’s not usually one of the crystals that I would leave behind on a client…but maybe I forgot it. I took a deep sigh finished getting ready and moved on with my day. In the back of my head that sneaking suspicion wondering where did my crystal go? Of course I asked around housekeeping, office staff, restaurant staff even the grounds crew. Since the last day that I worked was a few days before it would’ve shown up if somebody had found it.


Either struggle or surrender to the loss. More and more these days I choose surrender and grace. Today was one of those days.

The thing about this particular special piece of kyanite is that we had a fascinating past already. Many, many, many years ago I was at a flea market with my family, they were restless and ready to go but I felt like there was still something there that I need to find. Sure enough tucked in the corner of the flea market I found a crystal vendor and fell in love with this beautiful piece of kyanite. I know a lot of interesting folks, one of them speaks to crystals or I should say crystals speak to her. While I was down in Guatemala I showed off my new crystal to my friend and her response was ‘it’s not for you and it doesn’t really want to be with you.’ My first thought was ‘she’s trying to steal my crystal’ I just quickly knew that that wasn’t the case but I was feeling it’s pending loss. My friend told me that she was going to take the crystal and return it back to me when she came back to Guatemala. About six months later she returned and gave me back the Kyanite in a pouch, she told me that it still wasn’t for me and I should leave it in the pouch but I could put it on my altar. I was kind of wondering WTF? Why would I want to put it on my altar if I didn’t want to be with me? So…I put it on my altar anyway. A few days later I was going to a yoga teacher training across the lake and it was clear I was supposed to take it with me. I think it was the very first night upon meeting my new friends and talking to the women in my training I quickly knew that the Kyanite belonged with my new friend Blair and I gifted it to her. It turned out she was a jewelry designer and for a short while it was even a banner piece on her webpage. She had made a beautiful necklace with this incredible piece of kyanite. A few more years passed by and I saw Blair again in New York we had a great lunch and caught up and she generously gifted the necklace back to me. It was spectacular. The kind of piece that people stop you on the street to ask about it. I loved it, it was fierce, bold, powerful and beautiful. When I returned to Guatemala, I showed it to my crystal speaking friend and finally, all of these years later, she said Now, it was for me.
Reunited all those years later I was still in love with it. Later on when I return to Mexico I was sharing the story with some students in another yoga teacher training just talking about how things come and go from our lives and while I shared the story one of my friends was holding the necklace, as I spoke and all of a sudden he looked horrified and he said “I think I just broke your necklace” My response was sheer delight as much as I loved the necklace I was so excited that it had separated on its own and now I can easily and guilt free have it in my medicine bag to work with with clients over and over and over again. That’s what happened over the next few years it was the most important piece in my medicine bag it was the go to peace when I wasn’t sure what to do or when big things needed to be moved. It was my regular ally and absolute favorite crystal. We did countless private sessions and ceremonies together. I couldn’t even count the amount of lives that this beautiful kyanite has touched.

I’ll miss my friend and I’m sad its gone but I trust whole heartedly but it is off on another journey. Maybe one day it will find it’s way back to me and spend more time in my medicine bag or maybe our work together is completed and it’s time for some other crystal to become the star for a while. I am so grateful for the time that we had together. I’m even more grateful for the practices that I have and the peace in my heart to let it go with grace and ease.

The name Kyanite is derived from the Greek word that means “blue”.

  • Kyanite is considered as an excellent stone for meditation and peaceful healing of body and mind.
  • Kyanite, like Citrine, does not retain nor accumulate negative energy. It is neutral towards negative energies, Kyanite never needs cleansing and clearing like other crystals.
  • Kyanite realigns the chakras and cleanings the meridians and pathways.
  • It provides a soothing effect on the body. Its powerful energies can aid in stimulating the third eye and throat chakra aiding communication and the intuitive awareness.

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